The Top Ten Benefits of Using Hearing Aids
The top ten benefits of wearing hearing aids will probably vary from person to person. But this list covers many reasons to make sure you wear your aids!
Hearing Aids Aren’t “One Size Fits All”, This is Why
Here’s why hearing aids should be unique to the person suffering with impaired hearing.
The Pros and Cons of Hearing Aid Domes
Hearing aid domes are cone-shaped silicon devices that can help non-custom hearing aids fit–and work–more efficiently. But they have benefits and drawbacks.
Can Sensitivity to Loud Sound be a Symptom of Hearing Loss?
Hypersensitivity to loud sound is often reported in those with hearing loss. The root cause is a condition hearing specialists call auditory recruitment.
9 Errors Every New Hearing Aid User Makes
What are some common mistakes new hearing aid owners make? We’ve got the list.